- DIY Headboard is the first thing I'd like to do...however, I'm pretty content (for now) with the situation we're working with (primarily, the gallery wall above our bed). Even though we've extended our lease until June 2013, my heart is already beginning to construct an exit strategy for this apartment & this city...I know it's a little premature, but I'm not sure constructing a custom headboard is such a good idea in an apartment we'll only be in for 1 more year. We'll see...
- The few little items on the To Do 2.0 list
- starting with no sew curtains for our bedroom. Greg recently put up the mini blinds that we bought for our room shortly after we moved in so now it's my turn to finish the window treatments. I already have the curtain rod & rings, so now i just need to pick out some fabric. I'm thinking maybe mustard yellow as an accent color? Greg's rooting for Navy.
- Re-staining the dining room table was on the list...although I think our energies will be better spent staining the 2 extra chairs & the bench we bought to finish up our dining room. Refinishing the armoir was also on the list...although I'm feeling like I'll probably start looking for a replacement. The truth is, the one we've got "works", but it's not good quality. I think it's time for a re-purposed upgrade.
- We also have a few pieces of furniture in our bedroom from my childhood bedroom that need an update. It's time to borrow the old electric sander & get to work.
- Finally, we I'm going to start looking for a dresser for our bedroom. I'd like to get something like this & paint it a complimentary accent color. That'll depend on what happens with the curtains. I'd really like to organize our closet, & getting a great dresser would help.
- Wedding "Art" & Photos Framed: Our marriage certificate created by brilliant blogger Design Editor & signed by all of our wedding guests is sitting in a shady spot in our living room & it breaks my heart every time I look at it. It needs a frame & a prominent spot in this house & every one after this one. That's gotta get done pronto! I'm guessing it'll take a custom framing job as will the large family photo we had printed for our hall way. We both REALLY love that photo & want it up immediamente. We also ordered a few prints that I'd like to incorporate into our gallery walls, which'll probably take a trip out to Ikea. Once that traveling husband of mine gets home we'll get on it!
- Sewing lessons: I love to craft, create & do things myself. I bought myself a sewing machine a few years ago, and haven't used it once since we moved to Chicago. I am SUPER impatient, which is why I'm not a great seamstress. SO I think it's time for some sewing lessons to learn the right way to do it so I don't get frustrated & give up. I'd love to learn to quilt, & be able to sew some linens like crib sheets, bed skirts, duvet covers & pillow cases.
- Tennis lessons: I have ALWAYS wanted to learn how to play tennis & they are being offered right in my very own neighborhood for beginnings. This is a SUMMER MUST.
- I would REALLY love to take a Letterpress class, but they seem kind of pricey, so this line item might need to get held over to a future life. Or until somebody wants to do a more affordable clinic (hint hint: Paper Source).
- Of course, I need to get BACK to the reading list. Sometimes I can't get enough, and sometimes my brain is just not in the mood. I'm almost done with 30 things every woman should have & should know by the time she's 30, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I also started the Hunger Games, which is also great, but I've been distracted.
- There's a couple other random crafties I want to try...
- Decorate some inexpensive dinner plates for serving. (Lyrics to wedding song? Some favorite quotes? Perhaps some holiday-specific quotables? We shall see...)
- A sunbathing towel for Ash Matty.
- Summer & Fall ribbon wreaths.
Is it weird that this list seems short to me? Now all I have to do is choose which one to start with...more on that later.