Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Latest & Greatest

Obviously it's been a while since I posted (St. Patty's was almost a month ago!) & I don't want to get too far behind, so here's the latest...

Zeta Tau Alpha International Office
We've been traveling a ton! We spent a super fun weekend in Indy with some of our favorite Sigma Chis & their partners a couple of weeks ago. One of the leadership program boards that Greg is on was meeting that weekend and we were invited by the Pendry & Hester families to make a weekend of it. Even Lilah got to go! Our hosts were fantastic - The Pendrys set me up with a tour of Zeta Tau Alpha International Office while the boys were meeting, which was a thrill & we dined at a great local Italian restaurant & had a great time together. I've always said that if I hadn't fallen in love with a Sigma Chi I would be jealous of the girls who had & weekends like that one make me feel so lucky to be part of the Sigma Chi family.

Looking through the WWII Monument
Last weekend we traveled to Washington, D.C. where Greg participated in the DC Fire Department's Burn Foundation Charity Hockey Tournament. Greg's participated for the last 3 years & I had never been able to attend before. This was the year! Greg played on the Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department team with his child hood friend Jimmy Butler and some other great friends from back home.  Greg's Mom came down from Pennsylvania with the Butlers and all together we had a blast. Happily,  one of my best friends Allie also lives in "The District" with her boyfriend, Mik (whom I'd never met before) so we got to spend some time with them visiting the monuments & taking in the sights of DC. It happened to be the Cherry Blossom Festival that weekend which was a beautiful bonus.
DC Cherry Blossoms

I'm nearing the end of my 1st year of Graduate school - phew! I'm exhausted but energized by the approach of Summer break. I've got all kinds of wedding planning/shopping, sight seeing, block partying and festival going to do this summer. I'm even thinking of starting a little vegetable garden in the back yard - what Chicagoland vegetarian/Veganista doesn't want a self-made salad bar in her back yard?
Hyattsville FD 

The next few weeks are for surely going to be full of excitement with a trip to Salt Lake City Utah for my birthday trip, my 26th (gulp) birthday & the start of "visit Megan & Greg in Chicago" season! It all kicks off with the arrival of our second puppy girl, Sadie who joins our family this upcoming Monday. Obviously an embarrassing number of photos will be posted in the coming weeks. Don't worry.

Ok - enough of the gushy summary. The next post will be more current & less informational . As always, it feels good to feel lucky - Meggo

PS - Mik passed with flying colors. We just love him.

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