First of all, I just love Fridays. Especially the Fridays which lead to Saturdays when I don't have to go to class. Don't get me wrong I L.O.V.E. my curriculum class, but I'm officially burning the candle at both ends these days, and I always enjoy a little extra rest. And lazy mornings with my Mister & our pups. Tomorrow I'm doing Chicago's Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, so I won't get much of a lazy morning, but I'm looking forward to some philanthropy time with the Zetas... by-the-by...Our RFTC Zeta team raised over $700 for Komen this year. I am one proud sister!

Today I love that this Friday is the First Friday of Fall! Even though Summer is phenomenal here in Chicago, I really enjoy being able to actually experience Fall in the Midwest compared to what we used to call "Fall" back in Tampa Bay. Even though it was only a hint - I loved Fall in Florida, and I love it even more in Chicago. To the point of Fall being my fave (until the 1st snow of course - then Winter will be my fave) one of the Sigma Chi's brought me a little pumpkin for my desk today. This little gourd doesn't know it yet, but it's destined for greatness on my dining room table
very soon...
Also, I had a little bride-to-bride chat with one of my class mates Sally last night & she told me that she got her Bridesmaids dresses from Mod Cloth so I looked it up this morning. I can NOT believe I've never shopped Mod Cloth Before. I am IN.LOVE. with many things...but the Fall-esque blazers & coats are this Friday's favorite. The Emerald Green Blazer is gorge...Tiffany blue's been my color lately, but
Of course you know I LOVE a good deal & when I get them I usually jump at them. Around this time of year I try to get a few new Fall/Winter essentials, one of which is tights! I found a super sale on
Ralph Lauren tights earlier this week & ordered a couple pair
FOR $8 EACH...I checked the tracking number this morning & they're out for delivery today. Yipee!

Speaking of Fridays...This time last Friday we were on our way to PA for a family weekend with Greg's clan (& my soon-to-be-clan-in-law). I uploaded our digital photos to the computer, but haven't had the chance to share them yet...But I'll get them up this weekend. For now - here's a little "foreshadowing" (as Moo would say) of our weekend.
Happy Fall Friday Friendlies,
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