I can't believe the last time I posted was the middle of last month...& here it is November 7TH! Let's see what's been the latest?
We went to Florida, but for a little longer than we expected. My sweet Grandma passed away a few days before we were scheduled to go to Tampa for homecoming. Sigma Chi graciously let us both leave early the day that she passed & gave us some extra time off so we could be home with the family. My Mom planned a really sweet memorial service & everybody involved really made it nice. If you sent love, prayers, encouragement, or support to my family & me during that time, Thank You! We all appreciate it very much.

Although there were some bittersweet moments during our trip back home, some of the sweetest ones were getting to spend time with our favorite parents-to-be Lauren & Paul. I even got to hear baby Frederick's little heart beat! We also got to visit USF where we attended the annual Homecoming parade & stopped in the USF Alumni association to catch up with some of our favorites. Naturally we went to the homecoming game, which was a great time despite the fact that we lost. Ugh.

Usually leaving home is hard for me because I got "used to" seeing some of my best friendlies & family while we're there & then have a hard time readjusting to life without them...but THIS TIME I had the following weekend to look forward to. Some of the girls traveled to Chicago for Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Party Part I & we had a really great time. Greg & I got some really sweet & thoughtful gifts & Coop & the girls put on a really nice shower (minus any silly games...which I appreciated). Later on the girls & I went downtown to get ready for our 80's for the ladies night out. The 80's veil that I wore was totally authentic & completely over the top. Everybody's 80's outfits were just right. I'm sure we were a sight to see. It was a late night but we all had a blast! I wish we could do that over & over again. Although leaving Florida wasn't as hard for me this last time because I knew the girls would be back the following weekend...after they left it was even harder to adjust.

Since then it's been a steady stream of school deadlines, events, meetings, & juggling. We've only got 5 weeks left in the Fall semester so we're both looking forward to the Holiday break & some free time! We're officially staying in Chicago through the Holiday season (our 1st Christmas in Chicago!) so hopefully we'll get caught up on rest, fun projects & wedding planning...oh yes, about that...120-ish days until the wedding. YIKES! In fact, I think the flights for the Wedding trip are getting booked today. WHOA!
Ok I think that's it for now...hopefully I can keep up with this thing a little more now that most of the crazy school deadlines are behind me. We shall see...
Happy Monday lovers & friends,
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