The Basics:
Heather Stewart of Stylish Traditions was our super helpful wedding planner. She was SUPER patient with me, which is hard to do.Love her.
Darla Stafford & Julie Robbins were our FANTASTIC hair & makeup duo & all of us were so so happy with everything they did. They were so much fun to be around for the whole day. & they put up with us...which is a plus.
Theresa NeSmith of Theresa NeSmith Photographer was our amazing photographer. She came all the way to Chicago to do an engagement shoot for us & is seriously one of the most talented people I've ever met in my life. And one of the kindest.
Celebrations of Tampa Bay was who we booked our videographer with. I have to admit I was against videography at first, but my sweet Mama insisted & she reports that the video is super fun. We can't wait to see it!
Jana from Events in Bloom did our beautiful flowers & very kindly used my Grandma's lace, flower vases, & tokens in so many special ways.
Melissa from Elite Events catered the wedding. I know Shrimp & Grits aren't for everybody, but we asked for a Southern Seafood Fusion menu & that is EXACTLY what we got. She also managed to work up our twisted Arnold Palmers in some great glass jars, which of course Greg loved. Publix Greenwise did all 5 of our wedding cakes.
Jeff Staples was our DJ. Lots of people told me "you'll never notice the music"...but I noticed & I heard lots of songs that I had specifically asked for, which was much appreciated.

The bridesmaid's dresses were J.Crew Cotton Cady (except for Lauren's...we had to improvise to make room for Ella). The bridesmaid's bracelets were created by Made By Sam & she even allowed me to change the stone color & the charm to be each of the bridesmaid's initials. I also got them some Knockarounds, a monogrammed koozie (necessity) & tote bags. Shopping for them was so fun. Well...shopping for everybody was so fun.
The Jr. Bridesmaids Dresses & Flower Girl Dresses were David's Bridal with some help from another Etsy retailer, Prose Boutique who made the hair pieces & belts for the girls.
I got the Mother's hankies from another Etsy retailer, Designs by Gloria. She made some really beautiful & sentimental hankies for us that she embroidered with a message from me to my mom & mother-in-law. & I she sent me a bonus one with my name & our wedding date on it, which was a nice touch.

Greg & the boys were wearing suits we bought from Macy's, custom monogrammed dress shirts from Paul Frederick, a necktie from The Tie Bar & a pair of Knockarounds! We picked out the cufflinks that we gave his Dad & mine from an amazing shop on Etsy Asgard Designs. We tried to match the little man to the big guys for his suit (which was trickier than we thought) & ended up getting him an adult size necktie, which was adorably big on him. He looked dashing. His ring barer's pillow came from Me and Matilda & they get one of the customer service awards. When we got to Florida we realized that the ring barer pillow wasn't there & then promptly moved on to worrying about something else expecting it to turn up. It never did. I e-mailed Me & Matilda on Friday & she overnighted us a replacement that we received early the morning of the wedding.
The big pillow covers were made by two different Etsy sellers, The Burds Nest who did the ones with the felt flowers & the navy ones were made by Thread Pairs. The Burds Nest created custom covers for us & I had a great experience with them. I can't give Thread Pairs as glowing of a review, but the product worked for what we wanted.
The Cornhole Boards was made by the father of the bride & we bought the monogram from Love Monograms & the bags were custom made with fabrics & colors we specifically requested by Two Florida Girls (which are obviously the best kind of girls).

One last thing...for you brides out there looking for the perfect wedding gift for your groom...I'm giving away some free personal shopping advice here: your husbands can thank me later. Ha!
I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a few things, but Greg & I are really proud about what a personal experience we crafted for our family & friends, & we're happy that everyone liked it so much that they'd ask who helped us create such a great experience. These are the people, artists, retailers & friends that we have to thank for making our day so special & unique. We'll never be able to thank them enough, but I bet getting some more business from our friends & family is a start.
Happy Shopping/Planning/Browsing/Decorating,
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