Monday, October 22, 2012

Frances Bee

Only a few of you have been in on the story of Frances Bee from the beginning. Mostly because I'm a "fraidy cat", but also because the idea was (& still is) in development. But, last week, I had to take the leap.

More of you probably know that my Grandma's last day with us was October 17, 2011. She was brave, kind, gracious and hospitable, all the things I want to be, and values I want reflected in my business. So I thought, in honor of the original Frances B.I should take the risk & share the news of Frances Bee. 

If I haven't reached out to you personally or through one of the social media outlets that Frances Bee is now on, then you won't know what Frances Bee is about. Don't worry...I'll tell you. 

Frances Bee is a company that was born out of a hobby. I have always said that I'll never be rich because if I've got it, I spend it, & most of the time, I spend it on others. I truly LOVE gift giving. I can remember the year that this first took off for me. The day after Thanksgiving, from my brother's kitchen table, I sat down to make the first of many gift lists & set out to strategize how to do it all within my budget. Since then, I've been helping friends, family members, colleagues & co-workers as they search for gifts for the people in their lives. After many years of gift shopping for others purely for the love of it all, someone (now a special Frances Bee client) finally said to me "you should charge a fee for this". And the idea was born.

Thanks to my sweet Grandma, I was finally able to put a name to an idea. I knew it had to be her namesake; what better name to give a company that is dedicated to celebrating others? She was the most accomplished hostess & helper. 

So now, Frances Bee is officially open for business. An idea born out of the things I love, revealed to me by the women I treasure most, dedicated to the service of others for the love of the act of giving.

I hope you'll share the news, join my client list & tell the story of Frances Bee. 

Happy Giving,
(& Frances Bee)

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