Just as soon as I finish my assignments for this semester, I'm going to start reading THEEEESE lovelies...
I'm starting with Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. 'Cause I wanna.
Why Are All the Black Kid Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Because I wanna. And also because I'm planning on using it for my multicultural counseling class this Spring.
Bossy Pants for a little funny.
A People's History of the United States because I LOVED history class this Fall & I just want to soak up as much history as I can.
The reading lists get less & less ambitious as the semesters go on...My thinker knows better than to bite off too much. So, maybe 4 books over winter break?
still to do...
- The gallery photo wall. I have all of these amazing photos & prints & awesome frames. Sitting in a closet. No bueno. The goal is to have them up by Christmas.
- Refinish the little chairs & the craigslist table. High gloss grey. CAN'T wait.
- Some lady baby projects...More to come later.
JUST for clarification...in case anybody follows me on Pinterest & wonders what lady baby I'm talking about...It's baby Frederick, not a baby Morgan. Just want to make sure there's no confusion about that. Check back in a couple years.
Gotta freshen up the old wine glass & pack the chick lit for tomorrow... It's (almost) Winter Break y'all!
Relieved & ready to read & be refreshed,
I LOVE all of Chelsea's books - she is hilarious {in print} stand-up / not so much! haha ;)